Family Law

Family Law

Our professional team of family solicitors here at Chamberlain Martin Family Solicitors can help with all family law matters and disputes and are dedicated to achieving the best results for you. We understand that when your relationship breaks down you need support and advice on all issues.

  • We offer a 30 minute consultation for £200 (including VAT @ 20% of £33.33).  Ring 01243 825211.

Our experienced and friendly family law team, based at our Bognor Regis office, can offer you professional, effective, straightforward advice, and we are committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes. With their extensive experience our family solicitors are also able to effectively pursue your interests through the courts if required.

We are also able to access other specialist departments within our firm who can advise you on matters such as property, business matters, taxation and pensions.

  • In some instances we are able to offer fixed fees on all areas of work, including divorce  - please contact us for full details of our charges.
  • We can assist you with all areas of family law.
  • We are contracted with the Legal Aid Agency and can offer legal aid to you if you qualify. Contact us for further details.
  • Charlotte Vassall is a member of the Law Society Family Accreditation Scheme.
  • Sue Crockford is a Resolution specialist and a Resolution trained Family Law Mediator and a member of the Law Society Family Accreditation Scheme.

Divorce & Separation

Divorce can be a difficult and confusing time where you can feel that you don’t know who to turn to or what to do. Our experienced divorce solicitor will listen sympathetically and help you understand the legal issues involved in a relationship breakdown. We can act on your behalf in dealing with your estranged partner to minimize conflict and help you achieve the best outcome for you and your family.


It is important to protect your children from the effects of divorce or separation and for contact and residence arrangements to be determined as easily and swiftly as possible when a family relationship breaks down. We help you to put the needs of you and your children first to achieve an outcome that protects the children from conflict.
Charlotte Vassall is also experienced in acting for parents in care proceedings brought by the local authority and she can represent you in all children disputes involving social services.

Family divorce fixed fees

At CMS we may be able to offer fixed fees, please speak to Charlotte Vassall or Susan Crockford for more information. Emails are or telephone 01243 825211

Money & Property

Dealing with the finances upon divorce or separation can be a complicated issue which can be very costly for clients if not dealt with effectively. Our family solicitors have a great deal of experience and legal training so that they have the skill and expertise to achieve the best settlement for you, and if necessary we can pursue your interests through the courts in the most cost effective manner.

Our family solicitors can also liaise with our private client and conveyancing solicitors who can deal with any sale or transfer of property ownership following a settlement, or draft a will for you. These are important issues for you to consider following a relationship breakdown to further protect your interests.


It is very common nowadays for couples to choose not to get married, but many people mistakenly believe that they have similar rights to married people. We can explain your legal rights to you and advise you before cohabitation and can provide a Cohabitation Agreement. We will also advise you in the event of a breakdown of your relationship.

Prenuptial Agreement

This is an agreement made and signed before marriage, to cover what will happen in the event of the breakdown of that marriage. The courts are now more prepared to take into account properly drafted pre-marital agreements, provided they are drafted correctly, are fair according to the law and take into account possible change of circumstances. We can help you protect your interests providing you with expert advice and draft a prenuptial agreement for you if it is right for you.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can involve both emotional abuse and physical abuse. It occurs in all areas of society and can be against both men and women. Our family solicitors have extensive experience in this area and we can assist in obtaining an injunction for you and/or applying to the court to have a violent partner removed from your home. We can also put you in touch with local and national domestic violence services that can offer counselling and support and can help you secure a place in a local refuge if that is your preferred option.


The team is made up of two Solicitors with over 30 years and 15 years experience.  The team is supervised by Charlotte Vassall, a Solicitor and Senior Partner at CMS with over 15 years experience in this area of law.
